Advisory Services


Innovation –
tempered by experience

  • Focus on both Cyber and Physical Security

  • Merger and Acquisition due diligence assessments

  • Infrastructure and operations integration assessments

  • Management and operation of technology assessments

  • Business transformation

  • Cloud migration/transition



SixtyBit Consulting focuses on the management and operation of technology in organizations applying a new or emerging technology, addressing new emerging threats, or attempting to resolve complex issues  We analyze the problems faced by our clients and suggest approaches to enhance their processes, allowing them to scale and be predictable and manageable, and to assist in deploying the recommended changes and/or auditing the implemented result.  

Generally, early-stage companies and those deploying new technology need to economize on infrastructure and operations capability.  However, that does not mean that they have to be content with a less-than-robust implementation or service offering.  SixtyBit will work with the design, implementation and operations team to specifiy a solid, secure design.

The SixtyBit Consulting staff draws on literally decades of commercial, industrial, federal, and defense experience.  Team members have participated with over a dozen new technology companies – including the 2000-2002 effort by Bertelsmann AG to legitimize Napster; the establishment of TrustedID (now part of Equifax) and participating in the re-launch of Grand Central Communications (now known as Google Voice), and among others.

In addition to enterprise security environments, SixtyBit has extensive experience in industrial and process control systems protection, cyber and physical security programs, and operations in critical infrastructure organizations and for regulated industries. 

SixtyBit can deploy teams with direct experience in defensive and offensive security techniques; technology-based countermeasures; System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems; building and industrial infrastructure systems; and with a deep understanding of a number of regulatory compliance programs including HIPAA, GLBA, NERC CIP, and others.